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Sliding Windows & Doors

Caring for your sliding doors Ensure impurities are removed from the sliding door track to prevent damage and resulting operational defects. If your door is scraping on its track, do not operate. Operation of doors in this instance will cause damage and lead to roller failure.

Aluminium Cleaning

Aluminum requires only minimal maintenance, but the finish, like that of your car, may deteriorate if dirt that collects on the surface remains for a period of time.

Aluminum should be washed to remove dirt deposits as often as it is necessary to wash the glass of your windows. In a setting, where grime deposition is at a low, cleaning every three to six months may be sufficient to remove dirt deposits and restore the appearance. In Industrial and marine environments, more frequent cleaning is advisable. In conditions involving heavy grime deposition and pollution, more frequent cleaning is advisable if the deterioration of the coating is to be prevented. To clean aluminum, use the mildest treatment you can which produces satisfactory results.

Start with warm water and pH-neutral soap or mild detergent; never use harsh liquid chemicals, abrasive cleaners, or steel wool.

Surfaces should be thoroughly rinsed after cleaning to remove all residues.

Glass Cleaning

To clean the glass in your windows and doors, simply wipe over the surface with some warm water on a clean damp cloth and polish the surface dry with a lint-free cloth. Ensure that all cleaning cloths and cleaning tools are free from any abrasive substances, dust etc. Never remove abrasive materials, such as mortar, from the glass with a scraper. Instead, flood both sides of the glass with water and dab with a clean sponge. Do not scrub with the sponge, or scratching will occur. Do not use the same sponge, rag or water to clean tracks, thresholds or sash slides. The fine, hard particles of dust/mortar etc. may remain and scratch the glass.

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